You’re wondering how to test jewelry for gold, aren’t you?
Of course! It’s a mystery to most, but we’ll share a secret with you — it’s pretty simple. But before we get to that…
Do you remember when “cash-for-gold” sign holders were on every corner? You know the ones. The yellow arrow with black writing — we admit it, we had one too!
And it also seemed like every news channel in the Mid-South was running a story about where to sell your jewelry.
What you might not remember is that in August 2011, gold hit its highest price in history. At over $1900 a troy ounce, it’s no surprise that people started selling more jewelry (and buying less).
It was a gold craze that could rival the gold rush. Everyone from hair salons to video stores were buying gold! But, it was a bubble. And while prices are still at all-time highs, the wheat has been separated from the chaff.
Jewelry buying stores who undercut their customers closed up shop (thank goodness). And hairstylists went back to cutting hair — why they ever dabbled in gold, we’ll never know.
That’s the short-and-sweet backstory to how selling jewelry became a trend. Now we can get to the goods.
Read on to learn how to test your jewelry for gold.

P.S. You can get your own gold testing kit here.